CJI voices support for 50% reservation for women in Judiciary

Rutba Iqbal / Awaz e Khwateen 

"It's a women's right. And they deserve to have it," Chief Justice of India NV Ramana said. He was talking at an occasion, coordinated by the Lady Advocates of the Supreme Court on Sunday, to pay tribute to the nine recently appointed judges.

Chief Justice Ramana shows the stark reality

“In High Courts, women judges constitute 11.5%. Here in the Supreme Court, we currently have 4 women Justices out of the sitting 33. That makes it just 12%. Of the 1.7 million advocates, only 15% are women. Only 2% of the elected representatives in the State Bar Councils are women.... There is no woman member in the Bar Council of India. This needs urgent correction,” Chief Justice Ramana said.

Just 11 ladies Supreme Court appointed in 71 years, 3 of them delegated in 2021, Only 11 of the 256 judges (4.2%) who have served/ are serving at the apex court were/are women. 4 out of the 33 judges (12%) currently serving are women


CJI mobilizes support by quoting Marx

CJI NV Ramana adjusted Karl Marx's 'Workers of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but your chain' quote for the occasion and said, "Women of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but your chain.


Acknowledging the reasons for underrepresented and a pledge for change

“I do agree that there is an uncomfortable environment, lack of infrastructure, crowded courtrooms, lack of washrooms, lack of creches and lack of sitting places, which are some of the major issues which are unfriendly to the women."

 Lack of infrastructure, gender stereotypes and social attitudes have plagued the entry and progress of women in the legal profession. “I am also forcing the Executive to apply necessary corrections... I am happy to have colleagues in the Collegium who are progressive and determined to bridge the gap in the higher judiciary,” the CJI said


Don't ask for it, demand it

You are entitled (to it), it's a matter of right. It is not a matter of charity. It is unfortunate that some things are realised very late."


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